Eco-friendly living for the practically minded.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Welcome to the garden

I've been thinking about starting this blog for a while. My "liberal guilt" has been causing me to change how I live over the last several years, and looking back, I've changed my lifestyle quite a bit in little ways. It's been hard to find information though about living more ecologically. I mean, we all know to change out the lightbulbs and that organic food is good (though expensive). And yeah, we should take public transit. We've changed the lightbulbs, we own a Prius, and while I'll pay an extra $1 for organic at Giant Eagle, I'm not paying 4x the price for the same thing at Whole Foods.

There's actually a lot of info about living ecologically online. However, a lot of it seems to be focused on families with babies. This makes sense really; parents are naturally going to be more concerned about what goes in Junior's mouth. But it's a lot about diapers and bottles and baby food and rattles, and for those of us that are DINKS (Dual-Income No Kids), a good 50% of these blogs don't really apply. They also seem very "mommy-centric", which I just feel odd about (are there any daddies out there?)

Maja reminded me last night that I really should start this blog. I've got huge lists of recipes for eating locally, random tips for cleaning the house in without harsh chemicals, and other random resources. If you're a busy young professional (or grad student), it's hard to find the info that actually applies your life and is reasonably practical (ie: I don't shop at Whole Foods). So, hopefully this helps people out, and also helps me remember things (like what I can eat in January if I'm only eating local food!)

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