Eco-friendly living for the practically minded.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Apartment composting

Let it be well understood that I have not tried any of the following mechanisms myself...

So, without your own happy compost pile, this seems like a pretty hard problem. From what I understand, throwing food scraps in the garbage does not allow them to degrade. They get put in a rather toxic dump where any insects can't really survive well, and there may not be enough oxygen or water to support the bacteria needed.

I've heard of two things you could try if you can't have a compost pile or a fancy compost bin:

In-ground composting
Under this method, you use a kitchen container (like this one) to store scraps for a few days. Then you go outside, anywhere, and dig a hole. Dump in your scraps, cover back over with dirt, and let it be. Bugs will do the rest.

This is supposed to be ideal for people with small yards, bad soil, or home associations that don't allow composting. It's also a great way to make the soil better with little work. If you're in a small apartment building, I bet you could just do this on the property and no one would care.

If raccoons become a problem, apparently covering over the space with a brick for a week works. Then you just move the brick each week when you dig the new hole.

This is worm-based composting. As in, you have a box, and you keep pet worms. You feed them all your food scraps and you provide them with a nice "bedding" material. If done properly, there isn't supposed to be any smell, and the resulting soil is extremely fertile and would be good for houseplants. More info about doing this in an apartment!

Honestly, I'd get too busy and forget about them. Maybe they aren't much work, but given how the litterbox smells right now, I don't think I could handle a box of worms...if someone tries this out, let me know! I'm curious whether this is actually doable and reasonable. Given the number of sites that turn up when I search for "worm bin", I suppose quite a few people are going for it, so maybe it's easier than I'm expecting.

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