Eco-friendly living for the practically minded.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our house cleaners

Saul and I hired a cleaning company to do the basic house cleaning for us. (Hey, we're not cleaning 3 toilets and 4 bedrooms). They just do the basics every other week.

We used to have an eco-friendly company come, but they started charging a high price, so we switched to a normal cleaning company. I explained my issue with harsh cleaning chemicals and asked that they please use only the cleaners that I provide.

I don't know what it is with these people though. They can't just do as I ask. The guy who owns the place keeps asking about using a different floor cleaner because the one I provide isn't "disinfecting". I don't want it to be "disinfecting" dammit, I want it to remove the grease and grime! What I don't get is why he apparently feels compelled to discuss this. It really is as though he is as morally opposed to bacteria as I am to dumping ammonia on the floor.

Thinking of...he suggested that he use his own concoction which he "adds disinfectant too". I doubt he got an A in high school chem. Cause if he did, he might know that mixing bleach and ammonia causes chloramine gas.

Info on combining cleaners

Oh well, I might be firing them soon anyway since they haven't come for over almost four weeks.

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